Sabtu, 23 Desember 2017


by Andi Abdussalam
          Jakarta, Dec 23 (Antara) - The government seems to be failing again in meeting its target to develop one million houses for homeless families this year, as it could successfully build only 765,120 units up to the end of last month.
         The government has since 2015 launched an annual one million house development program, yet it was unable to meet the target since then. In 2015, it only developed 699,770 units, while in 2016, it built 765,120 houses.
         Public Works and Public Housing Ministry acknowledged that it had fallen short of its target to build one million units of houses a year.
         "Yes, we have not reached the target. The realization has reached only 765,120 units this year, including 70 percent houses for low-income people (MBR) and 30 percent for non-MBR," Director General of Housing Khalawi Abdul Hamid told reporters in Jakarta on Tuesday (Dec 5).
         Hamid stated that the program was launched to reduce the backlog of 7.6 million units, which grow by 800 thousand units per year. Based on the data of the Central Bureau of Statistics (BPS) and the National Development Planning Board (Bappenas), there were 13.5 million homeless families in 2014. The housing backlog has reached 7.6 million units.

        This statistics means that there are 5.9 million families who stay in houses that do not belong to them (rented houses). In the meantime, among the already existing houses, some 3.4 million houses are still unsuitable for living.

         Hence, the Indonesian government is developing houses under this program to provide 603,516 shelters to the country's MBR and 396,464 others to non-MBR families every year.
         President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) launched the program on April 26, 2015. "In 2015, realization totaled 699,770 units, and in 2016, it accounted for 805,169 units," Hamid noted.
         In 2016, a budget of Rp7.69 trillion was earmarked for the directorate general of housing development to build one million houses under the program. While in 2015, the government had set aside only Rp5.1 trillion for the program.
         Developers described the housing fund in 2015 as inadequate, as the budget needed in real term to build one million houses is about Rp102 trillion. The allocation of Rp5.1 million was sufficient to build only 40 to 50 thousand houses, according to the developers.
         Hamid revealed that the general problems faced in the procurement of houses are regulation and availability of land; therefore, breakthrough is needed to support the program ahead.
         The Housing Provision Directorate General had set a budget of Rp8.1 trillion in 2017 for the construction of 128,336 units of houses and 14,000 units of infrastructure, facilities, and utility. Until Dec 4, only 76.09 percent of the budget was used.
         In 2018, the budget was proposed at Rp9.6 trillion, with 51.7 percent of the houses to be built in western Indonesia and the rest in eastern region.
         In the meantime, state-owned housing saving bank, Bank BTN, has, since the beginning, expressed its support for the government's plan to build one million houses. As part of its support to the program, Bank BTN has prepared its human resources, technology, business processes, funding, and supply of houses to expedite the implementation of the government program.
         "BTN has, from the beginning, been committed to supporting the program," Bank BTN President Director Nixon L. P. Napitupulu noted in Pematangsiantar, North Sumatra, on Friday (Dec 5).
         He cited the percentage of house ownership in North Sumatra as an example, which is still 69.95 percent based on the Central Bureau of Statistics data.
         Until November 2017, BTN Pematangsiantar has disbursed loans of around Rp82 billion, with third-party funds of about Rp260 billion.
         On a national scale, credit distribution, both conventional and sharia scheme, is worth Rp230.2 trillion for 4.1 million houses. Of these credits, the funding of some 3.08 million units of houses, or more than 75 percent, was channeled in the form of subsidized housing ownership credit (KPR).
         This figure is equivalent to subsidized KPR value of Rp110.45 trillion. The remaining Rp119.76 trillion is distributed in the form of non-subsidized KPR credits.
         "Since the beginning of the launch of the KPR program 41 years ago, BTN has had the commitment and concentration of channeling housing credits," he remarked.
         Director of PT Sarana Multigriya Finansial (SMF) Ananta Wiyogo pointed out that the program can improve regional economy. "It must be acknowledged that the One Million House Program is implemented through the channeling of loans for the expansion of home financing coverage throughout Indonesia as one of the means of regional economic growth," he revealed in Makassar on Wednesday (Nov 22).
         He made the statement in Makassar, South Sulawesi, after the signing of agreement on the refinancing of Housing Ownership Credit (KPR) with three Regional Development Banks (BPD), namely BPD Bali, Bank Sumut, and Bank Sumsel Babel.
         In the three cooperation agreements, SMF will channel funds to the housing sector worth Rp156 billion to North Sumatra Bank, Rp150 billion to Bank Sumsel Babel, and Rp32 billion to BPD Bali. ***3*** (A014/INE/B003)EDITED BY INE(T.A014/A/BESSR/Bustanuddin) 24-12-2017 00:07:3

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