Jumat, 07 Desember 2018


 By Andi Abdussalam
          Jakarta, Dec 7 (Antara) - Implementation of the state budget has, so far, been hindered by the slow absorption of funds and late procurement, thereby leading to spending constantly accumulating at the end of the year.
        Improvements made over the past four years have had an impact, so the realization of government spending no longer accumulated at the end of the year.
        "This entire process is not static but dynamic, innovative, and reformed. This principle applies to all policy and decision holders," Budgetary Director General Askolani of the Finance Ministry stated on Wednesday (Nov 6).
        Askolani explained that through improved budget absorption, the quality of spending could improve and become more effective since the start of the current fiscal year.
        "If the improvement in absorption came late, ministries and institutions will only accelerate procurement without proper preparation. This was still happening a few years ago. We want spending to be done since January," he stated.

        Various reform efforts undertaken comprise accelerating the submission of the Budget Implementation List (DIPA) and conducting procurement auctions since early December.
        "Submission of DIPA is getting faster. If it is earlier in December, ministries and institutions can immediately carry out the procurement. The speed of submitting this DIPA is the key to success," Askolani stated.
        Askolani explained that accelerated spending had been carried out since the start of this year in line with President Joko Widodo's directives and had been implemented effectively by the leaders of ministries and state institutions.
        Until the end of October 2018, the Ministry of Finance noted that the realization of central government spending had reached Rp1,074.4 trillion, or 73.9 percent of the ceiling.
        The realization grew by 19.6 percent as compared to the same period at the end of October 2017.
        Finance Minister Sri Mulyani Indrawati remarked that until November 30, 2018, the overall realization of central government expenditure was recorded at Rp1,225.3 trillion, or 84.2 percent of the ceiling of Rp1,454.5 trillion.
        On the occasion of a media meeting in Nusa Dua, Bali, on Thursday, Nov 6, Minister Indrawati elaborated on the realization of civil servant or employee expenditure, which had reached Rp315.2 trillion, or 86.2 percent of the ceiling of Rp33.7 trillion, and goods expenditure of Rp264.7 trillion, or 77.8 percent of the ceiling of Rp340.1 trillion.
        For the expenditure of non-ministry institutions, he added that the realization of energy subsidies had been recorded at Rp130.4 trillion, or 138 percent of the Rp94.5 trillion ceiling.
        However, the realization of capital expenditure until the end of November 2018 had only reached Rp128.8 trillion, or 62.9 percent of the ceiling in the state budget (APBN), amounting to Rp203.9 trillion.
        Nonetheless, the minister is convinced that the realization of capital expenditure at the end of the year could reach 90.9 percent due to fund absorption by infrastructure development and improvement of other supporting facilities.
        "The size of capital expenditure is small, but the absorption in percentage is better than last year," Indrawati stated.
        Indrawati explained that of the realized capital expenditure of Rp128.8 trillion, 42 percent had been utilized for the construction of roads, irrigation, and networks; 33 percent for the purchase of equipment and machinery; and 19 percent for building and other construction maintenance.
        Capital expenditure still accounted for 62.9 percent until Nov 30. However, several reasons behind capital expenditure in 2018 not being optimal include the Ministry of Defense not having absorbed some potential expenditure amounting to Rp9.6 trillion.
        Delay in capital expenditure was partly due to the purchase of KFX aircraft worth Rp3 trillion that was still withheld. Activities worth Rp411.9 billion have yet to be paid in accordance with the recommendations of the coordinating minister for politics and security.
        In the meantime, the realization of social assistance has approached the ceiling set in the APBN, reaching Rp73.4 trillion, or 90.3 percent of the ceiling of Rp81.3 trillion.
        "The projection of social assistance until the end of 2018 can reach Rp85.6 trillion, or 105.3 percent of the ceiling. Additional funding was allocated for disaster management and additional budget for the Third Family of Hope (PKH) program for new participants," she remarked.
        Energy subsidies include fuel and LPG subsidies of Rp84.3 trillion, or 179.8 percent of the Rp46.9 trillion ceiling, and electricity subsidies of Rp46.1 trillion, or 96.8 percent of the Rp47.7 trillion ceiling.
        In essence, implementation of the APBN this year is better than that in the previous years. 
   "Implementation of the state budget this year is far better than that in the previous years," Director General Askolani stated.

        Revenue and spending in the 2018 APBN remained under control despite the fact that this year the government did not submit a budget revision to the House.
        The director general remarked that good management of the APBN was able to raise tax receipts that recorded a double-digit increase.
        Non-tax revenues also performed better owing to a hike in the global oil prices, while budget absorption is better this year as compared to that during the 2015-2017 period.
        "The budget deficit is also smaller than the target set in the state budget (APBN). This is the first achievement where we can control the deficit, much smaller than 2.19 percent," he noted.(A014/INE)***3***EDITED BY INE(T.A014/A/BESSR/Suharto) 07-12-2018 15:29:0

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